4/29/24-05/03/24Monday Strength 1 & 1/2 Front Squat5 Sets of 5 Reps “slightly” BuildingStart around 60% and increase from there, but no more than 75%. Tortured Poets Department3 Rounds For Time:75 Double Under20/16 Calorie Machine7 Front Squat 185/125 Fitness:100 Single Under14 Goblet Squats Rx+:225/155 TuesdaySuperset:8 Bench Press4-10 Strict Pull Upsx 3 sets into Superset:8 DB (2) Seated Shoulder Press10 Barbell Bent Over Rowx 3 setsThere is no rest after A1 and B1, but rest 1:30-2 minutes before you start the next superset.EMOM 121: KB/DB Front Rack Carry x 100'2: 10-15 Strict Toe to Bar OR Lying Leg Raises3: :45 Plank WemdesdaySo Long, London Every 5 Minutes x 5 Rounds:12 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20"Run 400m Structured Stretching Vol. 141:00 Samson Stretch 1:00 Couch Stetch 1:00 Banded Hip Stetch 1:00 Banded pigeion Stetch Thursday Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? AMRAP 24 Flow:3/3 Turkish Get Up1min SB Bear Hug March20 Heel Elevated DB Squats 15 Good Mornings 8/8 Lateral Box Step Up30sec Max Handstand/Headstand Hold Friday Overhead Squat In 12min build to a heavy set of 3 for todayGo from the rack or the floorFor Time:10-8-6-4-2Overhead Squat 135/9512-10-8-6-4Chest to Bar Pull Up Fitness:10-8-6-4-2Barbell or DB (2) Front Squat20-16-12-8-4Renegade Row Rx+:10-8-6-4-2Overhead Squat 185/12510-8-6-4-2Ring Muscle Up Cap = 11 Minutes
Monday Strength 1 & 1/2 Front Squat5 Sets of 5 Reps “slightly” BuildingStart around 60% and increase from there, but no more than 75%. Tortured Poets Department3 Rounds For Time:75 Double Under20/16 Calorie Machine7 Front Squat 185/125 Fitness:100 Single Under14 Goblet Squats Rx+:225/155 TuesdaySuperset:8 Bench Press4-10 Strict Pull Upsx 3 sets into Superset:8 DB (2) Seated Shoulder Press10 Barbell Bent Over Rowx 3 setsThere is no rest after A1 and B1, but rest 1:30-2 minutes before you start the next superset.EMOM 121: KB/DB Front Rack Carry x 100'2: 10-15 Strict Toe to Bar OR Lying Leg Raises3: :45 Plank WemdesdaySo Long, London Every 5 Minutes x 5 Rounds:12 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20"Run 400m Structured Stretching Vol. 141:00 Samson Stretch 1:00 Couch Stetch 1:00 Banded Hip Stetch 1:00 Banded pigeion Stetch Thursday Who's Afraid of Little Old Me? AMRAP 24 Flow:3/3 Turkish Get Up1min SB Bear Hug March20 Heel Elevated DB Squats 15 Good Mornings 8/8 Lateral Box Step Up30sec Max Handstand/Headstand Hold Friday Overhead Squat In 12min build to a heavy set of 3 for todayGo from the rack or the floorFor Time:10-8-6-4-2Overhead Squat 135/9512-10-8-6-4Chest to Bar Pull Up Fitness:10-8-6-4-2Barbell or DB (2) Front Squat20-16-12-8-4Renegade Row Rx+:10-8-6-4-2Overhead Squat 185/12510-8-6-4-2Ring Muscle Up Cap = 11 Minutes