Monday 060120 Workout WARM-UP 3:00 Cardio Choice (1:00 easy into 1:30 moderate intensity then push hard for the final :30) Into… AMRAP x 4 MINUTES 8 Alt. Elbow Punches w/ Barbell 8 Front Rack Reverse Lunges 8 Scap Push-Ups (:01 Pause at top & bottom) 8 Jumping Air Squats w/ Slow Descent STRENGTH 5x5 Front Squat* *Keep loading moderate. (Score is Weight) WORKOUT "DOUBLE AMRAP" AMRAP x 6 MINUTES 12/10 Cal Bike/Row 8 Front Rack Lunges (95/65)|(65/45) 8 Hand Release Push-Ups -Rest 2:00- AMRAP x 6 MINUTES 12/10 Cal Bike/Row 8 Front Rack Lunges (95/65)|(65/45) 8 Hand Release Push-Ups (Score is Rounds + Reps) Tuesday 060220 Workout WARM-UP AMRAP x 6 MINUTES 25ft Toe Walks 25ft Over the Fence/Under the Fence 25ft High Knees 25ft Butt Kickers 25ft High Skips 25ft Broad Jumps -Rest 1:00- AMRAP x 3 MINUTES 10 KB Sumo Deadlift 5/5 KB Strict Press 10 Push Up to Pike WORKOUT 3 SETS 800m Run 40 Slam Ball (30/20)|(20/10) 30 Kettlebell Swing (53/35)|(35/26) -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- (Score is Time) POST WORKOUT SKILL FOR QUALITY 5:00 Play / Practice Handstands, Handstands Holds, or Handstand Walk (No Measure) Wednesday 060320 WARM-UP TABATA (:20 on/:10 off)* MVMT 1 - Single Unders MVMT 2 - High Single Unders MVMT 3 - Alt Right & Left Foot MVMT 4 - Backwards *2 Rounds of each movement Into… 3 ROUNDS 5 Snatch Grip Romanian DL 5 Hang High Pull 5 Hang Muscle Snatch 5 Snatch Grip Push Press (back rack) 5 Hang Power Snatch EXTENDED WARM-UP EVERY 1:30 FOR 5 SETS 25 Double Unders 3-5 TNG Power Snatches* *Keep loading moderate-light to moderate. (Score is Weight) WORKOUT ON A 3:00 RUNNING CLOCK... 50 Double Unders 21 Power Snatch (75/55)|(45/35) -Rest Remainder- ON A 3:00 RUNNING CLOCK... 75 Double Unders 15 Power Snatch (95/65)|(65/45) -Rest Remainder- ON A 3:00 RUNNING CLOCK... 100 Double Unders 9 Power Snatch (Athlete Choice) -Rest Remainder- ON A 5:00 RUNNING CLOCK... 125 Double Unders Max Power Snatch (Athlete Choice) (Score is Reps) Thursday 060420
WARM-UP 3-4 ROUNDS (8:00 CAP) 100m Row 10 Alt Groiners 10 Scap Push-Ups 10 Plank to Pike WORKOUT AMRAP x 21 MINUTES 500m Row 30 Walking Lunges 30 Sit-Ups 400m Run 15 Ring Rows or 10 Strict Pull-Ups 3 Wall Walks (Score is Rounds + Reps) OPTIONAL FINISHER 5 SETS 1:00 Wall Sit 1:00 Ring FLR or Weighted Plank -Rest as Needed b/t Sets- (No Measure) Friday 060520 WARM-UP 400m Run into... AMRAP x 4 MINUTES 6 Alt. Box Step Ups 5 Clean Deadlifts 4 Hang Muscle Cleans 3 Shoulder Press STRENGTH 5x5 Push Press* *Keep loading moderate (Score is Weight) WORKOUT FOR TIME 21-15-12-9-6-3 Hang Power Clean (115/75)|(75/55) Push Press Up-Down Box Jump Overs (24/20) (Score is Time) COOL DOWN FOR RECOVERY 1:00 Banded Lat Distraction (L) 1:00 Banded Lat Distraction (R) 1:00 Foam Roll Lat (L) 1:00 Foam Roll Lat (R) (No Measure)