123024-010324Monday Y2K20 Min Flow500/450m Row20 Alt Reverse Lunges:45 - :60 Plank1000/900m C2 Bike or 22/18 Cal Echo 10 Strict Pull Ups20 V-Ups or Tuck Ups Rx+: 20 Alt Pistols, Weighted Strict Pull Up Tuesday Strength ZoneEvery :90 x 5 Sets:4 Cleans3 Front Squats2 Shoulder To OverheadNew Year's Eve 2024AMRAP 93-6-9-12-15…Etc.Power Cleans 95/65Pogo Burpees Fitness: DB Thrusters, Regular Burpees Rx+: 115/85 WednesdayNew Years Day 2025 Fight Gone Bad 3 Rounds For Total Reps1 minute Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)1 minute Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (75/55 lb)1 minute Box Jumps (20 in)1 minute Push Press (75/55 lb)1 minute Row (calories)1 minute Rest Thursday Dark Side of The MoonEMOM 25Min 1: 12/9 Calorie Ski/:40 Min 2: 3 Wall Walks/5 Inch Worm + Push ups Min 3: 12 Toe To Bar/Knee Raises or V-upsMin 4: 12/9 Calorie RowMin 5: 50 Doubles/75 Singles Rx+:15/12 Cal Machines3 Wall walks into 3 wall-facing HSPU24/20 box height75 double unders. Friday Hypnotized4 Rounds For Time:15 Wall Balls 20/1410 Deadlift 225/155 Cap = 10 Minutes Fitness: Scale WB and DL as needed.Rx+: 30/20Bash n' Smash3 Sets:21s (7-7-7) Barbell Bicep Curls:20 Chin Over Bar Hold/Top of Ring Row Hold into:3 Sets:15 Supine Skull Crushers:20 Bottom Push Up Hold
Monday Y2K20 Min Flow500/450m Row20 Alt Reverse Lunges:45 - :60 Plank1000/900m C2 Bike or 22/18 Cal Echo 10 Strict Pull Ups20 V-Ups or Tuck Ups Rx+: 20 Alt Pistols, Weighted Strict Pull Up Tuesday Strength ZoneEvery :90 x 5 Sets:4 Cleans3 Front Squats2 Shoulder To OverheadNew Year's Eve 2024AMRAP 93-6-9-12-15…Etc.Power Cleans 95/65Pogo Burpees Fitness: DB Thrusters, Regular Burpees Rx+: 115/85 WednesdayNew Years Day 2025 Fight Gone Bad 3 Rounds For Total Reps1 minute Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)1 minute Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (75/55 lb)1 minute Box Jumps (20 in)1 minute Push Press (75/55 lb)1 minute Row (calories)1 minute Rest Thursday Dark Side of The MoonEMOM 25Min 1: 12/9 Calorie Ski/:40 Min 2: 3 Wall Walks/5 Inch Worm + Push ups Min 3: 12 Toe To Bar/Knee Raises or V-upsMin 4: 12/9 Calorie RowMin 5: 50 Doubles/75 Singles Rx+:15/12 Cal Machines3 Wall walks into 3 wall-facing HSPU24/20 box height75 double unders. Friday Hypnotized4 Rounds For Time:15 Wall Balls 20/1410 Deadlift 225/155 Cap = 10 Minutes Fitness: Scale WB and DL as needed.Rx+: 30/20Bash n' Smash3 Sets:21s (7-7-7) Barbell Bicep Curls:20 Chin Over Bar Hold/Top of Ring Row Hold into:3 Sets:15 Supine Skull Crushers:20 Bottom Push Up Hold