Thanksgiving week workouts
Monday 21st
Front Squat - Week 2 of 4
3x5 at 65%
3x3 at 80%
What's new for week 2? - Higher percentages from last week - Extra set for the heavier weight - 15% increase over the 10% we did last week.
For Time
50/40 Cal Row
40 T2B
5 Squat Clean 225/155
12min Cap
40/30 Cal Row
40 Knee Raise or Sit-Up
10 KB Squat Clean
Tuesday 22nd
For Time [30 Minute Cap]: 50 Sit-ups 500m Row 30 Burpees Over the KB 20 KBS Rest 2 Minutes 50 Lunges 400 Meter Run 30 Burpees Over the KB 20 KBS Rest 2 Minutes 50 Push ups 500m Ski 30 Burpees Over the KB 20 KBS
Wednesday 23rd
Turkey Prep
24min AMRAP
200m Ski
20 Alt DB(1) Box Step Up 24/20
3 Wall Walk
15/12 Cal Bike
30 Alt DB Snatch 35/20
3 Wall Walk
400m run
60 Double Under
3 Wall Walk
6 Plank Up Down
Thanksgiving Thursday 24th (0800 class and 0915 class only)
Cranberry Sauce
Teams of 3 - For Time:
100 Thruster 95/65
90 Bar Facing Burpee
80 Toe to Bar
70 Hang Power Clean
60 Calorie Bike
50 Push Up
40 Power Snatch
30 Pull Up
200m relay run (each)
10 Rope Climb
Rx + = 135/95, Strict HSPU, & Ring MU
1 Athlete works while 2 rest
Friday 25th
Enjoy time off with your family and friends