Monday (Oct 18th)
10:00 EMOM
5 Muscle Ups
5 Rounds For Time:
9 OH Squats @135/95lbs
12 Burpee To Touches
15/12 Cal Bike
Rest 1:30 b/t Rounds
Tuesday (Oct 19th) STRENGTH: Deadlift 5 Reps @65% of 90% 5 Reps @75% of 90% Max Reps @85% of 90% *Try to go a little heavier than last time we did 5s WORKOUT: 10 Rounds For Time: 3 Power Cleans @205/145lbs 9 SHSPUs *Rest 1:1 with a partner or 0:45 seconds in between rounds!
Wednesday (Oct 20th) STRENGTH: Bench Press 3 Reps @70% of 90% 3 Reps @80% of 90% Max Rep @90% of 90% *All Numbers based on 90% of 1RM
WORKOUT: For Time: 60 TTB *EMOM 12 Burpees including 0:00 *Start with 12 burpees each minute and do max ttb the rest of the minute. *8:00 Time Cap
SKILL: 4 Rounds For Quality: 15 Strict Ring Dips 10 Strict Ring Pull-Ups *Rest 2:00 bt sets
Thursday (Oct 21st) STRENGTH: 5 Sets: 1 Push Press + 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk *work up each set **take the bar from the floor today!
3 Rounds For Time:
800m Run
50ft HSW
1000m Row
50ft HSW
*30:00 Time Cap!
Friday (Oct 22nd)
Back Squat
5 Reps @75% of 90%
3 Reps @85% of 90%
Max Reps @95% of 90%
*All percentages based off 90%
5 Rounds:
2:00 AMRAP
25 Wall Balls @20/14lbs
Max Muscle Ups
Rest 1:00 bt Rounds