101424-101824MondayStrength Deadlift 20 minutes to build to a tough set of 5 Metcon AMRAP x 10 5-10-15-20-25....Toes to Bar 50' DB (2) Front Rack Walking lunge Rx: 35/20Rx+: 50/35 Tuesday Workout EMOM x 15 Min 1 - 50 Double Unders Min 2 - 12 DB Bench Press Min 3 - 12 BB Pendlay Row Fitness: 100 Singles Accessory 3 Rounds for Quality :20-:30 Bottom of Ring Dip Hold :30 R/L Side Plank + Banded Row:30 Hollow Hold Wednesday Power Clean EMOM x 12 (1) 3 Position Power Clean *High Hang, Hang, then from the GroundStart around 60% then build from there, if form allows. Do not exceed 80%Workout 3 Rounds 200m run 100' SB Bearhug Carry 100/70Fitness: DB Front Rack Carry or DB Farmers carry Thursday Amrap x 512/10 Cal Ski 10 Burpees to Plate Rest 2:00Amrap x 512/10 Cal Row 10 Burpees to Target Rest 2:00Amrap x 5 12/10 C2 Bike 10 Burpee Box Jump Over FridayPush Jerk 5 x 3 Building from 70% of Max JerkWorkout 3 Rounds 15 Wall Ball 20/1412 Strict Pull Ups 9 STOH 115/85Fitness: Ring Row/Inverted RowDB STOHRx+: 155/105, 30/20 Wall Ball
MondayStrength Deadlift 20 minutes to build to a tough set of 5 Metcon AMRAP x 10 5-10-15-20-25....Toes to Bar 50' DB (2) Front Rack Walking lunge Rx: 35/20Rx+: 50/35 Tuesday Workout EMOM x 15 Min 1 - 50 Double Unders Min 2 - 12 DB Bench Press Min 3 - 12 BB Pendlay Row Fitness: 100 Singles Accessory 3 Rounds for Quality :20-:30 Bottom of Ring Dip Hold :30 R/L Side Plank + Banded Row:30 Hollow Hold Wednesday Power Clean EMOM x 12 (1) 3 Position Power Clean *High Hang, Hang, then from the GroundStart around 60% then build from there, if form allows. Do not exceed 80%Workout 3 Rounds 200m run 100' SB Bearhug Carry 100/70Fitness: DB Front Rack Carry or DB Farmers carry Thursday Amrap x 512/10 Cal Ski 10 Burpees to Plate Rest 2:00Amrap x 512/10 Cal Row 10 Burpees to Target Rest 2:00Amrap x 5 12/10 C2 Bike 10 Burpee Box Jump Over FridayPush Jerk 5 x 3 Building from 70% of Max JerkWorkout 3 Rounds 15 Wall Ball 20/1412 Strict Pull Ups 9 STOH 115/85Fitness: Ring Row/Inverted RowDB STOHRx+: 155/105, 30/20 Wall Ball