Monday (Sep 27th)
4 Sets:
1 Snatch Balance + 1 OH Squat
@75% of 1RM SNATCH
WORKOUT: 5 Rounds For Time: 25 Push-Ups 25 TTB *15:00 Time Cap
Tuesday (Sep 28th)
-3 Reps @70%
-3 Reps @80%
-Max Reps @90%
*Wendler program sets basing your percentages off 90% of 1RM and NOT 100%.
**Rest as needed bt sets
WORKOUT: For Time w/Partner: 200/160 Cal Row 50 Double DB Lunge @50/35lbs 50 Power Cleans @185/125lbs 50 Double DB Lunge 200/160 Cal Row *35:00 Time Cap*
Wednesday (Sep 29th)
Bench Press:
-5 reps @75%
-3 reps @85%
-Max Reps @95%
*Still following Wendler bench percentages so base these percentages off 90% of your max.
**Rest as needed bt sets
WORKOUT: For Time: 400m Run 50 Pull-Ups 400m Run 35 Pull-Ups 400m Run 20 Pull-Ups *15 Air Squats every time you come off the pull-up bar.
Thursday (Sep 30th) SKILL: 3 Rounds For Quality: 0:30 HS Hold 0:20 L-Sit Hold 10 Romanian Deadlifts WORKOUT: For Time: 50 Sit-Ups 40 Cal Row
30 DB Snatches @50/35lbs
20 Deficit HSPUs (1x45/1x25lbs)
*18:00 Cap
Friday (Oct 1st)
5 Rounds For Time:
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Shoulder to Overhead
SKILL: 3 Rounds For Quality: 20 Assisted Pistols (10 each leg) 15 V-Ups 5 Tempo Push Ups (6 seconds down-6 seconds up each rep)