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Back Squat

Week 1 of 6

3 x 10 @ 70%

Build to 70% and stay across!


For Time:

75 Double Under

35 Wall Ball 20/14

20/15 Calorie Ski

35 Wall Ball

75 Double Under


Cap = 12 Minutes


Rx+: 30/20lbs



Dessert Before Dinner


2-4-6-8-10-12-14 etc..

Toe to Bar

Alt. DB (1) Hang Snatch 50/35

Late Night Coffee

Core EMOM 12

1: L Sit x :30

2: Hollow Flutter Kick x :30

3: Weighted Sit Up w/ Plate x :30



Power Clean

Week 1 of 6

5 Power Clean (Singles)

building starting @ ~75-80%

*rest :90 between

**Steadily build but this is not meant to be a PR day, save some in the tank.

Hang Power Clean

Week 1 of 6

3 x 8 @ ~65% of today's heavy single.

Use appropriate percentage of your final weight today, but remember, we will be increasing these weights as we go.

rest 2:00 between sets

Muddy Puddles

3 sets not for time

8/8 Db assisted open book

10/10 Seated banded rotations

8/8 Rotation Bulgarian spit squats

10/10 RDL with rotation



Walk The Dog

25 Minute Flow (NFT)

Row 1000/850m

30 Alt. Lateral Box Step Up (Bodyweight)

20 Heel Elevated Goblet Squats

C2 Bike 2000/1500m (50/40 Echo)

30 Plank Pull Throughs

200m Farmer Carry 50/35



Push Jerk

5 x 5

building from 60%

Keep the jumps small-ish, and operate between that 60%-75% range for all 5 sets.

Upper Body Accessory

3-4 Sets Based On Feel

6-12 Stationary Dip

6-12 Close Grip Pull Up

12 Kneeling alt. KB Press (6/6)

6/6 DB (2) Bent Over Row


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Cartersville, Ga 30120

Phone (770)548-4372

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