081924-082324Monday Finer ThingsEvery 4 Minutes x 6 Sets20/16 Calorie C2 Bike6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1Power Clean & Jerk % Guide:6 @ 50-55%5 @ 60-65%4 @ 70-75%3 @ 80-85%2 @ 90-95%1 @ 95% + Fitness:Every 4 Minutes x 6 Sets20/16 Calorie C2 Bike10 Weighted Sit Up (medball)10 Push Up10 Slam Bal Tuesday What Don't Belong To Me4 Sets20/16 Calorie Row10 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20'10 Chest to Bar Pull-Up *rest 2:00Core Stuff!3 Rounds for Quality:Side Plank x :30/sideHollow Hold x :20Hanging L Sit x :20 WednesdayBack Squat10, 8, 6, 4, 2*start your 10 @ or around 55%. Keep your 2’s @ or around 75%Nose Dive3 - 4 sets lower body flow: 12 Barbell Reverse Lunge (6/6)12 Dumbbell (2) RDL12-15 Bird Dogs Thursday Pick Your Partner4 Rounds For Time W/ a Partner400m Run (Split)30/24 Calorie Ski6 Rope Climb30/24 Calorie Echo BikeFitness:18 Strict Pull Up/Strict T2B (Switch between RDS) Friday Deadlift15 MinutesBuild to a Tough 5Missin' You Like ThisAMRAP 73 Rounds:15 Toe to Bar12 Push Press 95/659 Front Squatw/ remaining time:Max Rep Wall Ball 20/14 Fitness:15 AbMat Sit Up12 DB (2) Push Press9 DB (2) Front Squat Rx+: 135/95
Monday Finer ThingsEvery 4 Minutes x 6 Sets20/16 Calorie C2 Bike6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1Power Clean & Jerk % Guide:6 @ 50-55%5 @ 60-65%4 @ 70-75%3 @ 80-85%2 @ 90-95%1 @ 95% + Fitness:Every 4 Minutes x 6 Sets20/16 Calorie C2 Bike10 Weighted Sit Up (medball)10 Push Up10 Slam Bal Tuesday What Don't Belong To Me4 Sets20/16 Calorie Row10 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20'10 Chest to Bar Pull-Up *rest 2:00Core Stuff!3 Rounds for Quality:Side Plank x :30/sideHollow Hold x :20Hanging L Sit x :20 WednesdayBack Squat10, 8, 6, 4, 2*start your 10 @ or around 55%. Keep your 2’s @ or around 75%Nose Dive3 - 4 sets lower body flow: 12 Barbell Reverse Lunge (6/6)12 Dumbbell (2) RDL12-15 Bird Dogs Thursday Pick Your Partner4 Rounds For Time W/ a Partner400m Run (Split)30/24 Calorie Ski6 Rope Climb30/24 Calorie Echo BikeFitness:18 Strict Pull Up/Strict T2B (Switch between RDS) Friday Deadlift15 MinutesBuild to a Tough 5Missin' You Like ThisAMRAP 73 Rounds:15 Toe to Bar12 Push Press 95/659 Front Squatw/ remaining time:Max Rep Wall Ball 20/14 Fitness:15 AbMat Sit Up12 DB (2) Push Press9 DB (2) Front Squat Rx+: 135/95