Today's the day! If you were here last week you should have some idea what to shoot for today. If you do not wish to test your 1RM Front Squat today you can complete 5x3 Start at 70-75 and build
Drum Kick
14min AMRAP w/ Partner
800m Run
80 Wall Ball 20/14
800m Ski
40 DB(2) Box Step Overs 35/20, 24/20
Fitness: 100 Air Squat
40 Unweighted Step Overs
What's my age again?
For Time
3 Rope Climb
10 T2B
40 Alt DB Snatch 35/20
2 Rope Climb
20 T2B
40 Alt Hang DB Clean
1 Rope Climb
30 T2B
12 SA Alt Devils Press
20min Cap
6 Rope Pulls, 4 Rope Pulls, 2 Rope Pulls
Strict Knee Raise
RX+: 50/35
Arm Finisher
Complete in as large sets as possible
100 Barbell Bicep Curls
100 Banded Tricep Push Down
Every 4min x 6
15/12 Cal Bike
15/12 Cal Row
12 Burpee Over Line
2 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch
Every 90sec x 7
Start around 65% and build
All Unbroken with no resetting
Goal is to work on a more explosive pull and work on timing. For the Snatch Pull, arms can bend a little after the hip extension but we are not doing a High Pull. If we are still getting comfortable with the Snatch an Olympic Lifting we can do 2 Snatch Grip Deadlift as a modification.