Hang On (Time)21-15-9Deadlift 185/125Bar Facing BurpeeToe to BarCap = 13 minutes
Rx+: 225
Fitness:21-15-9Deadlifts 135/95Bar Facing Burpees
AbMat Sit-ups
Hang Power Clean
4 x 8 BuildingStart out at a manageable 8 and ascend as well as form/effort allows.Fitness:4 Sets:-8 DB (2) Renegade RowRenegade Row = 8 DB row per side (no push-up)
Two Margaritas (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)AMRAP 73, 6, 9, 12, etc. Push Press 95/6540 Double Under after each set
Front Squat Week 4/5Set 1-2: 2 Reps at 87-90 Set 3-5: 1 Rep at 93-95%*Only 2 working weights*
Tire Maintenance (No Measure)Every 4 minutes x 4 sets:8 KB Goblet Squat w/ :02 tempo down10 Single leg Glute Bridge12 Alt. Dumbbell (2) Weighted Step Ups
Choose your load based on what will take you about 2:30 to complete.
For Time with a Partner
Keep On Driving (Time)
30 DB Snatches 24/18 Calorie Bike30 Burpees-rest :60