Monday 070521
July 4th Workout!
3 Rounds For Quality:
20 Banded tricep extensions
10 DB Curls
20 Narrow grip push-ups
WORKOUT: For Time:
60/50 Cal Bike
5 Rounds
21 Wall Balls @20/14lbs
7 Power Cleans @165/115lbs
Wednesday 070721
Push Press + Push Jerk
4x1 @90% of push press
WORKOUT: For Time: 1 Mile Run Then 5 Rounds of 50Ft DB Overhead Lunge 15 TTB 10 DB Snatches @50/35lbs
Thursday 070821
Movement of the month RE-TEST:
Max set of HSPU
*Strict or kipping or max push-ups depending on what you did at the beginning of the month.
3 Rounds For Time:
1000m Row
7 Front Squats @1855/125lbs
35 Pull-Ups
*Front squats are from the floor
Friday 070921
NEW MOVEMENT OF THE MONTH TEST: Deadlift 5-3-2-1-1-1 *Find a heavy single DEADLIFT work on position and quality FIRST over load. 10 Rounds For Time: 3 Deadlifts @225/155lbs 3 Bar Facing Burpees