Any Other Day (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)8min AMRAP16 Wall Ball 20/1414 Alt DB Snatch 35/2012 Box Jump 24/20RX+:30/2050/35
Independence Day (Time)
4 Rounds for Time w/ a Partner 400m Run
24 Toe to Bar
24 Double DB Hang Clean and Jerks
24 Double DB Front Squats
24 Hand Release Push-Ups
24 Cal Row/Bike
24 Air Squats
Low Vow Upper Flow (No Measure)
30min EMOM- 12 DB Bench Press- 6-12 Strict Pull-Up- 12 Seated Arnold's Press (Legs Straight)- 14 Alt KB(2) Gorilla Row- 10-15 KB/DB Hollow Hold Pull Over
No measure day slash pump day! You might be feeling some type of way after the the 4th of July so let decide on how heavy you get on these movements. There should be 20sec rest or more before each round, if not go lighter. The intensity today is based on volume.
Unpopular Opinion (Time)
4 Rounds For Time800-600-400-200m Run70 Double Under20/16 Cal Row20 V-Ups 30min Time CapFitness:100 Jump Rope/Single Under
Power Clean
Every 90sec x 63 Touch and Go Power CleansStart around 60% and build as you see fit.
Save the Drama (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)10min AMRAP5 Clean 155/10515 Push Up15 Pull UpFitness:10 DB(2) Power Clean15 Knee Push Up15 DB(2) Bent Over RowRX+:5 Clean 185/12510 Strict HSPU7 BMU