062424-062824Monday Pre-WOD Build-Up EMOM 43 Squat Clean+EMOM 42 Squat CleanStart lighter and use this to prep for those moderately heavy squat cleans in the workout. Example for someone using 225/155:Min 1-2: 135/95Min 3-4: 155/105Min 5 -6: 185/125Min 7: 205/135Min 8: 225/155Eye of The Tiger For Time: Run 800m 4 Rope Climb 15 Squat Clean 185/125 4 Rope Climb Run 800m Fitness: 2k/1600m C2, 8 Rope Pulls, DB Squat Cleans Rx + = 225/155 Tuesday Push Jerk + Seated Box Jump EMOM 12Minute 1: 5 Push JerkMinute 2: 5 Seated Box JumpUse 60-70% of Shoulder to Overhead Max. Slightly increase if desired, but it is not necessary, as we want some quality reps at a moderately tough weight.Don't Stop Believin' For Time:500/400m Row -rest 2 minutes-1000/900m C2 Bike or 30/24 Cal Echo -rest 2 minutes-500/400m Ski WednesdayHere I Go AgainAMRAP 105 Strict Pull Up10 Push Up15 Wall Ball 20/14 Fitness: Ring Row or BB Bent Over Row Paradise City 10Minute FLOW5/5 Back Rack In Place Lunge 100' Crossbody Carry20 Hamstring Curls Thursday Rock You Like a HurricaneOn a 28-Minute Running Clock with a Partner 00:00-15:00For Time:800m Run (Split) 30 Box Step Up 24/20"Partner A: 30 HandStand Push ups Partner B: Plank600m Run30 Box Step UpPartner A: 30 HandStand Push ups Partner B: Plank400m Run30 Box Step UpPartner A: 30 HandStand Push ups Partner B: Plank 200m Run-15:00 - 18:00 (Rest)-18:00 - 28:00Annie: (this is individual)50-40-30-20-10Double UnderAbMat Sit UpFitness: DB Floor Press, Box Push Ups, DB Push Press100,80,60,40,20 Single Unders FridayTBD...
Monday Pre-WOD Build-Up EMOM 43 Squat Clean+EMOM 42 Squat CleanStart lighter and use this to prep for those moderately heavy squat cleans in the workout. Example for someone using 225/155:Min 1-2: 135/95Min 3-4: 155/105Min 5 -6: 185/125Min 7: 205/135Min 8: 225/155Eye of The Tiger For Time: Run 800m 4 Rope Climb 15 Squat Clean 185/125 4 Rope Climb Run 800m Fitness: 2k/1600m C2, 8 Rope Pulls, DB Squat Cleans Rx + = 225/155 Tuesday Push Jerk + Seated Box Jump EMOM 12Minute 1: 5 Push JerkMinute 2: 5 Seated Box JumpUse 60-70% of Shoulder to Overhead Max. Slightly increase if desired, but it is not necessary, as we want some quality reps at a moderately tough weight.Don't Stop Believin' For Time:500/400m Row -rest 2 minutes-1000/900m C2 Bike or 30/24 Cal Echo -rest 2 minutes-500/400m Ski WednesdayHere I Go AgainAMRAP 105 Strict Pull Up10 Push Up15 Wall Ball 20/14 Fitness: Ring Row or BB Bent Over Row Paradise City 10Minute FLOW5/5 Back Rack In Place Lunge 100' Crossbody Carry20 Hamstring Curls Thursday Rock You Like a HurricaneOn a 28-Minute Running Clock with a Partner 00:00-15:00For Time:800m Run (Split) 30 Box Step Up 24/20"Partner A: 30 HandStand Push ups Partner B: Plank600m Run30 Box Step UpPartner A: 30 HandStand Push ups Partner B: Plank400m Run30 Box Step UpPartner A: 30 HandStand Push ups Partner B: Plank 200m Run-15:00 - 18:00 (Rest)-18:00 - 28:00Annie: (this is individual)50-40-30-20-10Double UnderAbMat Sit UpFitness: DB Floor Press, Box Push Ups, DB Push Press100,80,60,40,20 Single Unders FridayTBD...