Summer Shandy (Time)For Time:50 AbMat Sit Up40 Dumbbell (2) Thruster 35/2030 Dumbbell (2) In Place Lunge400m RunCap = 10RX+:- 50/35
Did you miss me?! (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps)
27min Clock
At 3,2,1,..GO 16min AMRAP10/7 Cal Ski12 C2B12 Lateral Burpee Over Bar12 Hang Snatch 95/654min Rest7min to find a 1RM Snatch*No lifts can be made during rest. No "warm up lifts".*You may grab weight and load your bar.*Power or Squat*Lift must be completed BEFORE the Clock hits 27min.RX+:115/806 BMUFitness12 Ring Row or Bent Over Row12 Burpee12 Hang DB(2) Snatch
Bench Press 3RMToday is the day!! We're going to have 18min to find a new 3RM Bench Press. Here is a suggested way to build up to this weight6-6-4-2-2-2-3RM attemptFitness:
8x3 Bench Press Moderate to heavyweight
Life Guard Flex (No Measure)4-5 Steady Rounds10-15 Barbell Bicep Curl10-15 Barbell Strict Press30 Russ Twist w/ Plate10-15 Plate Sit-Up (Straight Leg)8/8 DB Bent Over Row On BenchCurls to Strict Press are unbroken and so are Russ Twist to Plate Sit-UpRuss Twist: L+R=1
2 Birds
Partner Workout
28min AMRAP1000m Row40 Burpees
1 Mile Run (split into 400m)100 Double Unders
50/40 Cal Bike
Clean and Jerk
10min EMOM1 Rep at 80-85%*Clean and Jerk style of your choice*One weight for the whole EMOM. Don't be that personFitness:5-10 KBS Every Minute
Cheap Sunglasses (Time)For Time21-15-9STOH 95/65T2B*50 Double Under BEFORE each round7min CapFitness:DB(2) Push PressSit-Up75 Jump RopeRX+:135/95