060324-060724MondayBack Squat 5 x 8 @ 55-65%into50 Double Unders (after each set)ISO ISO ISO 3 Rounds::60 Wall Sit Hold:30 Hanging Knee Tuck or L-Sit Hold:30 Ring Support Hold (@ Top) *scale ring support hold with a plank.Rest as needed to maintain quality.Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. TuesdayHot Route EMOM 121: 10 Dumbbell (2) Bench Press2: 16 Alternating Kettlebell (2) Gorilla Row3: RestUncomfortableFor Time:800m Run30 Burpee Burpee Chest to Bar800m Run Rx+:30 Burpee Bar Muscle Up Fitness:Burpee Pull Up or 30 Burpees + Ring RowCap = 16 Minutes WednesdayHuddle AMRAP 25 With a Partnerthen,2 Rounds:30 Box Jumps 24/20"30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35then,2000/1600m C2 Bikethen,2 Rounds:30 Pull Ups30 Push Ups then,1000/800m Skithen,2 Rounds:30 Double KB Deadlifts 30 Kettlebell Goblet Squats then,1000/800m Row RX+:30/24'70/53 Thursday Blitz Every 3 Minutes x 6 Sets:5 Barbell Thruster 95/657 Lateral Burpee Over Bar100m Run Rx+:135/95200m RunStrength12 Minutes to build to a heavy 3-rep thruster *yes, strength after the workout today Friday Deadlift 2 x 5 @ 70-75%2 x 3 @ 80%2 x 2 @ 85-90%Touchdown AMRAP 85-10-15-20-25 etc..Toe to Bar4 Wall WalksRx+:50' Handstand Walk Fitness:Hanging Knee Raise50' Bearcrawl or 4-8 Inchworm + Push ups
MondayBack Squat 5 x 8 @ 55-65%into50 Double Unders (after each set)ISO ISO ISO 3 Rounds::60 Wall Sit Hold:30 Hanging Knee Tuck or L-Sit Hold:30 Ring Support Hold (@ Top) *scale ring support hold with a plank.Rest as needed to maintain quality.Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. TuesdayHot Route EMOM 121: 10 Dumbbell (2) Bench Press2: 16 Alternating Kettlebell (2) Gorilla Row3: RestUncomfortableFor Time:800m Run30 Burpee Burpee Chest to Bar800m Run Rx+:30 Burpee Bar Muscle Up Fitness:Burpee Pull Up or 30 Burpees + Ring RowCap = 16 Minutes WednesdayHuddle AMRAP 25 With a Partnerthen,2 Rounds:30 Box Jumps 24/20"30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35then,2000/1600m C2 Bikethen,2 Rounds:30 Pull Ups30 Push Ups then,1000/800m Skithen,2 Rounds:30 Double KB Deadlifts 30 Kettlebell Goblet Squats then,1000/800m Row RX+:30/24'70/53 Thursday Blitz Every 3 Minutes x 6 Sets:5 Barbell Thruster 95/657 Lateral Burpee Over Bar100m Run Rx+:135/95200m RunStrength12 Minutes to build to a heavy 3-rep thruster *yes, strength after the workout today Friday Deadlift 2 x 5 @ 70-75%2 x 3 @ 80%2 x 2 @ 85-90%Touchdown AMRAP 85-10-15-20-25 etc..Toe to Bar4 Wall WalksRx+:50' Handstand Walk Fitness:Hanging Knee Raise50' Bearcrawl or 4-8 Inchworm + Push ups