12min AMRAP30sec Max Cal Bike20 Heel Elevated Goblet Squat (Don't lock out legs)8/8 Lateral Box Step Ups w/ 3sec tempo down1min Goblet Wall Sit
Push Jerk
5 x 3Start around 65-70% of your 1RM Push Jerk or heaviest lift overhead and build.
Make sure you go every 2min or less and end with a heavy set of 3 for today
Popcorn Chicken (Time)3 Rounds For Time10 STOH 135/9520 Pull Up40 Double Under
12min CapFitness:12 DB Push Press20 Ring Row60 Single UnderRX+:165/115C2B60 Double Under
Bench Press Week 2 of 5Every 3min x 55 Bench Press at 70-80%Straight into30sec Max Push UpNot your typical workout during a cycle!Don't waste any time between the Bench Press and the Push Ups, rack the bar and get to work.
PUMP UP THE JAMZ! (No Measure)4-5 Rounds12 Lateral DB Shoulder Raise10-15 Banded Chest Flys16 Alt DB Bicep Curl15/15 Side Plank Dip
24min AMRAP400m Run30 Wall Ball 20/1420/16 Cal Row15 Box Jump Over 24/20RX+:30/20