Ant in the Pants7min AMRAP40 Double Under3 Wall Walk1 Rope ClimbFitness:60 Single Under8 Inch Worms2 Rope PullsRX+:60 Double Under4 Wall Walk2 Rope Climb
More Leg WRK (No Measure)4 Steady Rounds50ft Walking Lunge (Weight Optional)8-12 Bulgarian Split Squats1min KB (2) Front Rack March
Power Clean11min EMOMMin 1-3: 3 Reps at 60-65%Min 4: Rest/Add WeightMin 5-7: 2 Reps at 70-75%Min 8: Rest/Add WeightMin 9-11: 1 Rep at 80-85%Reps do not need to be touch and go.
Apple Jacks For TimeBuy in: 25/20 Cal Bike3 Rounds of12 Deadlift 155/1059 Hang Power Clean6 STOHBuy Out: 800m Run15min CapFitness: