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Monday 030821 WORKOUT 7 SETS FOR TIME 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 100m Run 10 Toes to Bar 100m Run -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- OPTIONAL FINISHER EMOM x 10 MINUTES MIN 1 - 8/8 Single Arm DB Hammer Curls (Athlete Choice, Moderate) MIN 2 - 8/8 Single Arm DB Kickbacks Tuesday 030921 STRENGTH ON A 12:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Build to a Moderate-Heavy Complex... 1 Clean Pull + 2 Power Clean WORKOUT ON A 25:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Row 2500/2250m then... Build to a Heavy 3-Rep TNG Power Clean in the time remaining.

Wednesday 031021 STRENGTH 5-5-3-3* Tempo Overhead Squat (31X1) *Start Light and build to Moderate. WORKOUT 5 ROUNDS FOR TIME 10 Overhead Squats (95/65)|(65/45) 3 Ring Muscle-Ups 50 Double Unders RMU Option 1: Jumping Ring Muscle-Up RMU Option 2: Burpee Jumping Pull-Up

Thursday 031121 WORKOUT EMOM x 10 MINUTES MIN 1 - AMRAP of 4 Slam Balls + 4 Alt. V-Ups (Athlete Choice) MIN 2 - Row or Bike, Moderate Effort -Rest 3:00- EMOM x 10 MINUTES MIN 1 - AMRAP of 4 Russian KB Swing + 4 Alt. Lunges (Athlete Choice) MIN 2 - Row or Bike, Moderate Effort COOL DOWN ON A 5:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Rebound w/ Nasal Breathing*

Friday 031221

Open 21.1

Friday Night Lights 6:30PM


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Cartersville, Ga 30120

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