- Max Alt Toe to target/ Sl T2B/ Kipping Knee Raise
- Max Toe to Bar
If you can not do T2B you can still get better at them through this EMOM. Just set it up for your min 3 to be what you can do or what you would like to do. For example.
- max anchored leg lifts/ sit-ups / v-ups
- max kip swings/ Hollow rocks/ Banded lat pulls
- max knee raises/toe to target/strict knee raises
*Do not go to failure during the EMOM this is just for practice
Casual Cardio
Choose one of the following:
1 Mile Run
100/80 Cal Echo Bike / 140/120 Cal C2 Bike
2k Row
Pace should be casual, something you could hold a conversation with but stay consistent meaning don't slow down or speed up. Feel free to adjust the distances as necessary.