012725-013125Monday Front Squat *In 20 min Build to a tough 5After adequate warm up, begin working in sets of 5, ultimately ending in a heavy 5 for the day. For Time:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Front Squat 135/95Shoulder to OverheadToe to Bar Cap = 12 Min Tuesday Planet Fitness Superset:8-10 DB (2) Bent over Row 8-10 Seated DB (2) Strict PressX 4 setsPush + Pull Intervals Every 4:00 x 4 sets20/16 Calorie Row10-20 Hand Release Push Up6-10 Strict Pul Up Wednesday Snatch Intervals Every 2:30 x 10 Sets:10/8 Calorie C2 Bike2 Snatch (ascending)Get the bike done in around :30-:40 so you have time to hit both snatches.Ascend as desired.Cash Outz 3-4 Sets100' Farmer Carry30 Paloff Press With a Rotation (15/15)100' Sandbag Bearhug Carry Thursday Emergency Exit Row For Time with a Partner:500/450 m Row30 AbMat Sit Up500/450 m Ski30 BrupeesRun 800m30 AbMat Sit UpRest 2:00 Repeat Friday Crossfit Games Open 21.1 RX (Ages 16-54)For Time: 1 wall walk 10 double-unders 3 wall walks 30 double-unders 6 wall walks 60 double-unders 9 wall walks 90 double-unders 15 wall walks 150 double-unders 21 wall walks210 double-unders Time cap: 15 minLower Body Pump 3 Sets:16 Bulgarian Split Squat (8/8)10 DB (2) RDL16 Banded Hamstrjng Curls
Monday Front Squat *In 20 min Build to a tough 5After adequate warm up, begin working in sets of 5, ultimately ending in a heavy 5 for the day. For Time:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Front Squat 135/95Shoulder to OverheadToe to Bar Cap = 12 Min Tuesday Planet Fitness Superset:8-10 DB (2) Bent over Row 8-10 Seated DB (2) Strict PressX 4 setsPush + Pull Intervals Every 4:00 x 4 sets20/16 Calorie Row10-20 Hand Release Push Up6-10 Strict Pul Up Wednesday Snatch Intervals Every 2:30 x 10 Sets:10/8 Calorie C2 Bike2 Snatch (ascending)Get the bike done in around :30-:40 so you have time to hit both snatches.Ascend as desired.Cash Outz 3-4 Sets100' Farmer Carry30 Paloff Press With a Rotation (15/15)100' Sandbag Bearhug Carry Thursday Emergency Exit Row For Time with a Partner:500/450 m Row30 AbMat Sit Up500/450 m Ski30 BrupeesRun 800m30 AbMat Sit UpRest 2:00 Repeat Friday Crossfit Games Open 21.1 RX (Ages 16-54)For Time: 1 wall walk 10 double-unders 3 wall walks 30 double-unders 6 wall walks 60 double-unders 9 wall walks 90 double-unders 15 wall walks 150 double-unders 21 wall walks210 double-unders Time cap: 15 minLower Body Pump 3 Sets:16 Bulgarian Split Squat (8/8)10 DB (2) RDL16 Banded Hamstrjng Curls