012224-012624MondayTen Thousand People Every 4 Minutes x 6 Sets:25/20 Calorie Machine (alt. Ski, Row, Bike)8 Front Squat (from floor) @ 60-70% Fitness:20/15 Cals 10 DB Squats*We designed this workout to use the same weight across all 6 sets. Tuesday Dan AMRAP 181 Deadlift 275/1855 Pull Up7 Push Up9 Toe to Bar400m RunThis workout is in memory of Dan Brockunier, who passed away on Tuesday January 22nd, 2019.The numbers 1, 5, 7, 9 = 22, the day of Dan's passing.The heavy deadlift represents Dan's love of deadlifting heavy. Norisse, Caitlin, and Noel created this workout in Dan's name. WednesdayLost In Your Eyes For Time18/15 Cal Ski15 Burpee Box Jump 24/206 Wall Walks 15/12 Cal Ski12 Burpee Box Jump4 Wall Walks 12/9 Cal Ski9 Burpee Box Jump2 Wall Walks 14min Cap Fitness:Regular Burpees9,6,3 Inch Worm + Push Ups RX+:150ft, 100ft, 50ft HSW ThursdayDog Without a Home 28 Minute Flow100m KB (2) Front Rack Carry1000/800m Row100ft DBl KB OH Carry50/45 Cal Bike 100m Farmer Carry Friday CrossFit Games Open 17.5 (Time)10 rounds for time of:9 thrusters 95# / 65#35 double-undersCap is 16 minutesCore Me Crazy 3 Rounds Steady Flow10 Medball Overhead Sit-Up10 Half Kneeling Pallof Press:30 Quadruped Hover + Bird Dog:30 Superman Hold
MondayTen Thousand People Every 4 Minutes x 6 Sets:25/20 Calorie Machine (alt. Ski, Row, Bike)8 Front Squat (from floor) @ 60-70% Fitness:20/15 Cals 10 DB Squats*We designed this workout to use the same weight across all 6 sets. Tuesday Dan AMRAP 181 Deadlift 275/1855 Pull Up7 Push Up9 Toe to Bar400m RunThis workout is in memory of Dan Brockunier, who passed away on Tuesday January 22nd, 2019.The numbers 1, 5, 7, 9 = 22, the day of Dan's passing.The heavy deadlift represents Dan's love of deadlifting heavy. Norisse, Caitlin, and Noel created this workout in Dan's name. WednesdayLost In Your Eyes For Time18/15 Cal Ski15 Burpee Box Jump 24/206 Wall Walks 15/12 Cal Ski12 Burpee Box Jump4 Wall Walks 12/9 Cal Ski9 Burpee Box Jump2 Wall Walks 14min Cap Fitness:Regular Burpees9,6,3 Inch Worm + Push Ups RX+:150ft, 100ft, 50ft HSW ThursdayDog Without a Home 28 Minute Flow100m KB (2) Front Rack Carry1000/800m Row100ft DBl KB OH Carry50/45 Cal Bike 100m Farmer Carry Friday CrossFit Games Open 17.5 (Time)10 rounds for time of:9 thrusters 95# / 65#35 double-undersCap is 16 minutesCore Me Crazy 3 Rounds Steady Flow10 Medball Overhead Sit-Up10 Half Kneeling Pallof Press:30 Quadruped Hover + Bird Dog:30 Superman Hold