Sign up for the Open for a Cause by this week please!
Mon (Jan 16th)
Dead Stop Deadlift 4x4 Start around 70% Build or stay at one weight *Must control bar to the floor, no dropping or slamming
Jimmy Fallon (Time) 5 Rounds For Time 1 Rope Climb 2 Power Clean 185/125 3 Wall Walk 4 Front Squat 15min Cap Fitness: 4 DB(2) Bent Over Row 6 DB(2) Power Clean :40 Plate Hold 8 DB(2) Front Squat RX+: 245/165
Tue (Jan 17th)
Push Press
Set 1-2: 6 Reps
Set 3-4: 5 Reps
Set 5-6: 4 Reps
Start at 45-50% of your heaviest overhead lift and build from there.
Annie (Time) 50-40-30-20-10 Double-Unders Sit-ups
Fitness: 75-60-45-30-15 Single Unders
Wed (Jan 18th)
Prep WRK (No Measure)
15min EMOM
- 6-12 Strict Pull-Up
- 12 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- 20sec L-Sit Hold (Box or Parrallettes)
Flat Body Ring Row
Feel free to go longer than 20 seconds on the L-Sit Hold :)
Grunt WRK (No Measure) 3 Rounds For Quality 100m DB/KB Farmers Carry
20 DB(2) Box Step Up Overs 24/20 100ft Walking Lunge *Weight for walking lunge is optional.
Thur (Jan 19th)
Pez (Time)
For Time 800m Run 60 Wall Ball 20/14 600m Run 50/40 Cal Bike 400m Run 40 Pull Up 200m Run 20/16 Cal Ski 28min Cap Fitness: Jumping Pull Up RX+: C2B
Fri (Jan 20th)
Squat Clean
Every 2min x 6
3 Reps
Start at 60-65% and build
Garage Sale (Time) For Time 50/40 Cal Row 50 Push Up 200ft SB Bear Hug Carry 100/70 10min Cap Fitness: 40/30 Cal Row RX+: 30 Strict HSPU 150/100