010625-011025Monday Back Squat3 x 10 BuildingSet 1: 65%Set 2: 70%Set 3: 75%YOLOFor Time:15-12-9Shoulder to Overhead 115/8030 Double Under (after each set) into:12-9-6Front Squat30 Double Under (after each set) Cap = 10 Minutes Rx+: = 155/105 Tuesday Bench Press5 Sets of:8, 5, 3, 3, 8January RainEMOM: 20 min1: 10 Deadlift (from Elevated Surface) 225/1552: 6-10 Strict Pull-Up3: 6-10 Strict Dip4: 12 KB Gorilla Row (6/6)5: RestFitness: Hard Ring Row, Inverted Row, or DB Bent over Row Rx+: 275/185 Wednesday Hang SnatchEMOM 10 - 2 RepsBuilding in Weight Up to 80-85%Eskimo Bars16 Minute Flow:14 Heel Elevated Goblet Squat 2000/1600m Bike or 50/40 Echo 100m Farmer Carry20 KB Plank Pull Thru Thursday The Colosseum3 RFT:15 Burpees12 Box Jump Overs 24/20" -rest 2:002 RFT:24/20 Calorie Ski24 Wall Ball 20/14 -rest 2:001 RFT:48/40 Calorie Row12 Sandbag Clean 100/70 Rx+: 30/20lb, 150/100 Friday Discovery ChannelEvery 4 min x 6 Sets:16/12 Cal Echo Bike3 Squat Clean (building from 65-70%) Nat GeoFor Time:12 Power Clean 135/9532 Pull Up6 Power Clean 185/125 Rx+: 185/125, 20 Bar Mu, 225/155
Monday Back Squat3 x 10 BuildingSet 1: 65%Set 2: 70%Set 3: 75%YOLOFor Time:15-12-9Shoulder to Overhead 115/8030 Double Under (after each set) into:12-9-6Front Squat30 Double Under (after each set) Cap = 10 Minutes Rx+: = 155/105 Tuesday Bench Press5 Sets of:8, 5, 3, 3, 8January RainEMOM: 20 min1: 10 Deadlift (from Elevated Surface) 225/1552: 6-10 Strict Pull-Up3: 6-10 Strict Dip4: 12 KB Gorilla Row (6/6)5: RestFitness: Hard Ring Row, Inverted Row, or DB Bent over Row Rx+: 275/185 Wednesday Hang SnatchEMOM 10 - 2 RepsBuilding in Weight Up to 80-85%Eskimo Bars16 Minute Flow:14 Heel Elevated Goblet Squat 2000/1600m Bike or 50/40 Echo 100m Farmer Carry20 KB Plank Pull Thru Thursday The Colosseum3 RFT:15 Burpees12 Box Jump Overs 24/20" -rest 2:002 RFT:24/20 Calorie Ski24 Wall Ball 20/14 -rest 2:001 RFT:48/40 Calorie Row12 Sandbag Clean 100/70 Rx+: 30/20lb, 150/100 Friday Discovery ChannelEvery 4 min x 6 Sets:16/12 Cal Echo Bike3 Squat Clean (building from 65-70%) Nat GeoFor Time:12 Power Clean 135/9532 Pull Up6 Power Clean 185/125 Rx+: 185/125, 20 Bar Mu, 225/155