Monday Back Squats 3 x 6 @ 70-75% 2 x 4 @80-85% Jorts 12min AMRAP 30sec Max Cal Bike 20 Heel Elevated Goblet Squat (Don't lock out legs)...
Monday Front Squat 4x10 Start around 50-55% and build Summer Prep 1 (No Measure) Superset - 3 Rounds Left Side: 8 Bulgarian Split Squat...
Monday June Sunsets Bench Press 5 x 5 @ moderately heavy weight *rest :90-2:00 between sets into: Superset: Box Dip x 12 Push Up x 12 x...
Monday Spring Flowers EMOM 12 1: DB Bench Press (15,12,9,6) 2: 40-60 Double Unders 3: Rest 2017 12 Minute AMRAP 10 Alt DB Snatch (you...
Monday Outer Banks 20min AMRAP 14/10 Cal Ski 16 Push Ups 6 Deadlifts 185/125 12 Pull Ups 1min Reat Fitness: DB(2) Deadlifts DB(2) Bent...
Monday Hay Day 30min EMOM - 15/12 Cal Bike - 6 Push Press 115/80 - 8 Strict Pull-Up - 20 Straight Leg Sit-Ups - Rest Fitness - 12/10 Cal...
Monday Ant in the Pants 7min AMRAP 40 Double Under 3 Wall Walk 1 Rope Climb Fitness: 60 Single Under 8 Inch Worms 2 Rope Pulls RX+: 60...
Monday EMOM 35 1) 12-15 DB bench 2) 15/12 Calorie Bike 3) 12 Pull Ups 4) 8 Deadlift @ 60-65% 5) 15/12 Calorie Row 6) 2 Rope Climb 7) Rest...
Monday EMOM 30 1: 50 Double Under 2: 4 Power Clean @ 70-75% 3: 15/12 Calorie Row 4: 3 Shoulder to Overhead 5: 15-20 Abmat Sit Up 6: Rest...
Mon (Mar 13th) Left on Main Every 4:00 x 5rds 12/9 Cal Bike 5 Deadlifts @ 65-70% 60 Double Unders Core Blaster EMOM x 6 1: :45 Plank 2:...