Monday Front Squat 4 x 5 starting @ 65% and building or staying (your call) based on feel Confetti (Time) 3 Rounds For Time: 10 Devils...
Monday Power Snatch EMOM 7 2 reps each minute @ moderate load. Fitness: EMOM 10 6 Alt DB (1) Snatch 4 DB (1) Push Press/side Not getting...
Monday Complex 1 Power Clean + 2 Hang Power Clean Every 90sec x 6 Start around 70-75% of 1RM Build or stay Shipwrecked (Time) For Time:...
Monday September 11th Tribute w/ Partner (Time) For Time with Partner Buy In: 2001m Run You Go, I Go. Each Partner Completes 11 Reps of...
Monday 8:00am 9:15am Tuesday Novacaine Every 3:30 x 4 sets: 4-8 Strict Chin-ups 10 Barbell Bent Over Row 20 Alt DB (2) Curl Got Me...
Monday Twin Peaks EMOM 12 1: 15/12 Calorie Row 2: 2 Rope Climb -rest 3:00 EMOM 12 1: 15/12 Calorie Bike 2: 10 Toe to Bar Fitness: 10...
Monday Third Wheel (3 Rounds for reps) A) AMRAP 9 15/11 Calorie Bike 6 Wall Walk -rest 2:00 B) AMRAP 9 20/16 Calorie Ski 12 Lateral...
Monday Autobots Every 3min x 6 (18min) Alternate A and B A) 12/9 Cal Bike 20 Alt DB Snatch 35/20 B) 15/12 Cal Ski 40 Double Under ...
Monday Bench Press 8, 5, 3, 3, 8 Start with a tough 8, then ascend through the 5 and 3's, then try to match your tough 8 again. Short...
Monday Front Rack Lunge 4x8 2 warm up sets of 4 and then start. Build to a heavy 8 or stay at 1 weight. Reps are alternating, 4 each leg...