Covid Week # ... ??? WARM-UP 3 ROUNDS 10 Scap Push-Ups 12 Cossack Squats 100m Run Hero Workout "Scooter" AMRAP X 30 30 double-unders ...
Hero WOD Warm up 3 Rounds Each round complete faster then the last 30 Single or Double Unders 30 Jumping Jacks 30 MTN Climbers 15 Up...
In addition to the workouts you will be getting from your coach daily here are three Hero workouts that you can do with a partner or with...
We have some exciting news!!! Starting next Monday 03-30-2020 we will be hosting an at home competition. How do I sign up?...
Monday 032320 Strength Plate thrusters 4x10 5th set ME (Max Effort) Workout AMRAPx 12 As Many Rounds As Possible 12 Front Rack...
Monday 031620 Workout EXTENDED WARM-UP 3 SETS FOR QUALITY* 5-10 Reps of Strict HSPU or DB Press 5-10 Reps of Strict Ring Rows ...
Monday 030820 Workout SKILL EMOM x 8 MINUTES MIN 1 - 1-2 Strict Muscle-Up or 5-7 Strict Pull-Up MIN 2 - 5-7 Tall Box Jumps* ...
Monday 030220 Workout WORKOUT "DOUBLE AMRAP" AMRAP x 8 MINUTES 12/10 Cal Row 10 HSPU 10 Renegade Rows (35/20)|(20/10)* -Rest...
Monday 022420 STRENGTH/SKILL ON A 20:00 RUNNING CLOCK... Build to 3RM Clean & Jerk* *Power or Full, Athlete Choice (Score is Load)...
Monday 021720 Workout WORKOUT FOR TIME* 400m Run 50 Box Jump + Step-Down (24/20) 40 DBL KB Front Rack Lunges (35/25) 30 Hand...