Monday 040521 STRENGTH Back Squat: 8-8-6-6-4-4 Reps *Increase weight each set, rest as needed bt sets, your last set of 4 should be at...
Monday 032921 Strength 4 Sets 1 Hang Squat Clean 1 Squat Clean 1 Front Squat @80% of 1RM *Rest as needed bt sets **All 4 sets at the same...
Monday 032221 STRENGTH 6x3 Front Squats at 75% of 1RM WORKOUT 2 ROUNDS FOR TIME 15/12 Cal Bike 7 Dumbbell Thrusters, 50/35 lbs 14...
Monday 031521 STRENGTH E2MOM x 12 MINUTES 3 TNG Power Clean & Jerk or Power Snatch* *Start light-moderate and build to heavy. WORKOUT...
Monday 030821 WORKOUT 7 SETS FOR TIME 10 Box Jump Overs (24/20) 100m Run 10 Toes to Bar 100m Run -Rest 1:00 b/t Sets- OPTIONAL FINISHER...
Monday 030121 EXTENDED WARM-UP EMOM x 10 MINUTES MIN 1 - TNG Sumo Deadlifts* MIN 2 - 3 Strict C2B Pull-Ups + 6 Kip Swings *MIN 1 - 8...
Monday 022221 STRENGTH 3 SETS FOR QUALITY 10 Deadlifts Building In Weight 10 Weighted Lunges 1:00 Slow Deadbugs WORKOUT AMRAP x 12...
Monday 021521 EXTENDED WARM-UP 2 SETS FOR QUALITY :45 Active Bar Hang 8/8 Tempo (2020) Box Step-Downs (24/20) 1:00 Weighted DB Squat Hold...
Monday 020821 EXTENDED WARM-UP 3 SETS FOR QUALITY :30 Bar Hang :30 Handstand Hold 10 Kip Swings 3-5 HSPU Negatives* *Reset between reps....
Monday 020121 WORKOUT FOR TIME 3 ROUNDS 20/15 Cal Bike 15 Pull-Ups 20 Overhead Walking Lunges (95/65)|(65/45) -Rest 3:00- 1 ROUND 60/45...