Monday (Aug 8th) “July Movement of the month Re-Test” 1RM Snatch Compete: 500m Row 20 KB Thrusters 53/35lbs 30 Push Ups 40 KBS 500m Row...
Monday (Aug 1st) Strength: Every 0:30 x9:00: 1 Snatch *Start at around 75% and add weight every 3:00. Compete: 4 Rounds For Time: 400m...
Monday 072522 Compete AMRAP 25: 50 AbMat Sit-ups 40 Box Jumps (24"/20") 30 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (75/55) 20 Push Press (75/55) 100...
Monday (Jul 18th) Strength: 10:00 EMOM 3 Squat Snatches @115/80lbs Compete: For Time: (w/partner) 100/80 Cal Bike Then 5 Rounds 12 Burpee...
Monday (Jul 11th) Bench Press 4x5 Reps @70-75% of 1RM *Do 5 strict chin-ups after each set of bench Compete: 3 Rounds For Time: 15/12 Cal...
Monday (Jul 4th) 4th of July Tuesday (Jul 5th) Strength: Power Clean and Jerks 5x1 Reps @85% of 1RM Compete/Train: 32:00 Emom 1- Bike...
Monday (June 27th) Strength: Back Squat -Heavy Single for the day Then 2x4 Reps @87% of 1RM Compete: 3 Rounds For Time: 100 DUs 100ft HSW...
Monday (June 20th) Strength: Back Squat 3 x3 Reps @80% of 1RM Then 2x6 Reps @70% of 1RM Compete: 5 Rounds for time: 9 Hang Power Snatches...
Monday (June 13th) Strength: Back Squat 4x4 Reps @75% of 1RM Compete: 10:00 EMOM 3 Power Snatches @65% or 1RM power snatch 5 Lateral...
Monday 060622 16 x :15 rds Set 1: 4 wall balls Set 2: 4 toe to bar Set 3: 5 sumo DL high pulls (75/55) Set 4: 3 burpees Rest 1:00 b/t...