Monday Back Squat 1 Rep @90% of 1RM 2x5 Reps @75% Compete 3 Rounds For Time: 10 Deadlifts (225/155) 20 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 50 Double...
Monday (Feb 21st) Strength: Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3 Reps *Start at 70% of 1RM and work up to 80% of 1RM, so small jumps, all reps are...
Monday (Feb 14th) Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Reps *Rest 2:00 between sets **Go up in weight 65%-80% Compete For Time: 60 DB Snatches @50/35lbs...
Monday (Feb 7th) “Movement of the month re-test” 1RM Clean & Jerk *Work up to find a max C&J Compete: 5 Rounds For Time: 5 Squat Cleans...